Quiet Island – Art Cards


Box set of 5 art cards.



Vancouver Island provides numerous small, hidden oases of solitude that feel like separate islands.  These isolated coves frequently get lost to the public, which is what the residents desire. This cove, with its glass topped ocean water just had to be captured with the rest of Vancouver Island disappearing into the background.

Camera: Canon AE1 35 millimeter.  Film Ilford 400 Delta.  CA: 02-07-21

Box set of 5 art cards.

Art Cards are an inexpensive way to send beautiful photographic prints to friends and family. The cards are 5” x 7” and include an envelope. They are packaged in boxes of five, all with the same image. The image is presented with a white border around it, customized to the aspect ratio of the original. The inside is blank, allowing a personalized message. They require normal letter mail postage to mail.