Mussels – Art Cards


Box set of 5 art cards.



Growing up on the Prairies, I thought that marine mussels were an exotic, rare seafood treat that I would never eat (for a variety of reasons).  Arriving on the West Coast, I found them to be everywhere there was ocean, and in some cases, as here, positively teeming and competing with each other for space on the rocks.  That’s a lot of mussels!  Camera:  Canon AE 1.  Film: Eastman Cine film, EI 80.  CA: 94-01-09.

Box set of 5 art cards.

Art Cards are an inexpensive way to send beautiful photographic prints to friends and family. The cards are 5” x 7” and include an envelope. They are packaged in boxes of five, all with the same image. The image is presented with a white border around it, customized to the aspect ratio of the original. The inside is blank, allowing a personalized message. They require normal letter mail postage to mail.